Jan 7 , 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
We're working out of Reiter Foothills in the clearcut section of Boogeyman between the road crossing and the tree line to build up features and realign some short sections of trail as part of trail rebuild. This is a Come & Go Workparty with no RSVP needed. Meet on the trail any time after the start time and stay for however long works for you. We'll have tools and someone experienced on the trail during the event times so all you need is some work gloves and layers to stay comfortable for the days weather!
Jan 11 , 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM
We'll spend the day repairing and regrading the entrance berms on Goldeneye, and then use any leftover time to work fix drainage issues on the Pipeline and Rock Candy Bypass to make the climb up a little less mucky. This is our monthly Saturday workparty for January which will be at Lord Hill. We'll park and meet at the barn located at the park’s north entrance and start hiking in with tools slightly after the start time and be back at the parking lot before the end time. Tools are provided, but be sure to bring some work gloves and enough food and water for the day as we'll be out on the trails for the day. Registration is required through Snohomish County's Volunteer Portal. The event can be found using the following link: https://cerv.is/0282gp6hq5P
Jan 13 , 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Jan 16 , 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
We're working out of Reiter Foothills on the Boogeyman connector(Vista Connector on Trailforks) just north of the MY-21 forest road. The focus will be on repairing trail damage caused from an uprooted tree near the trail's east entrance. This is a Come & Go Workparty with no RSVP needed. Meet on the trail any time after the start time and stay for however long works for you. We'll have tools and someone experienced on the trail during the event times so all you need is some work gloves and layers to stay comfortable for the days weather!
Jan 21 , 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
We'll spend the day to focus on tackling some core maintenance on the hiker/biker Rogue Knight trail. We'll be clearing out drains, making small tread fixes(fill low spots, regrading small sections, etc.) and cutting back any encroaching vegetation. If you're new to trailwork, this is a great way to learn the essentials and makes for a pretty light day!
We'll meet at 2:00PM at the barn located at the park’s north entrance to go over what we're doing for the day before hiking out to the trails. Tools are provided, but be sure to bring some work gloves and any essentials(food, water, layers, etc.) to stay comfortable for the day.Registration is required through Snohomish County's Volunteer Portal. The event can be found using the following link: https://cerv.is/0282g9hBXcJ
Jan 26 , 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
This is a Come & Go Workparty. Meet on the trail any time after the start time and stay for however long works for you. If you plan to stay the whole time, and want to carpool through the DNR gates, we'll drive out at 9:00AM from the trailhead. We'll have tools and someone experienced on the trail during the event times so all you need is some work gloves and layers to stay comfortable for the days weather! Bikes recommended!
Jan 30 , 2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
We'll be taking a quick pit stop to clear up storm damage on the main climbing trail before the MY-21(road used to connect to Boogeyman) road crossing before heading over to Boogeyman to rework a small section of trail before the forest entrance. This is a Come & Go Workparty with no RSVP needed. Meet on the trail any time after the start time and stay for however long works for you. We'll have tools and someone experienced on the trail during the event times so all you need is some work gloves and layers to stay comfortable for the days weather!
<p>We'll spend the day to focus on tackling some core maintenance on the hiker/biker Rogue Knight trail. We'll be clearing out drains, making small tread fixes(fill low spots, regrading small sections, etc.) and cutting back any encroaching vegetation. If you're new to trailwork, this is a great way to learn the essentials and makes for a pretty light day!<span> </span></p><p>We'll meet at 2:00PM at the barn located at the park’s north entrance to go over what we're doing for the day before hiking out to the trails. Tools are provided, but be sure to bring some work gloves and any essentials(food, water, layers, etc.) to stay comfortable for the day.<br><br>Registration is required through Snohomish County's Volunteer Portal. The event can be found using the following link: <a href="https://cerv.is/0282g9hBXcJ">https://cerv.is/0282g9hBXcJ</a><br></p>