Oct 1 , 2:30 PM - 7:00 PM
We're working out of Reiter Foothills in the clearcut section of Boogeyman near the road crossing to build up features and realign some short sections of trail as part of trail rebuild. This is a Come & Go Workparty with no RSVP needed. Meet on the trail any time after the start time and stay for however long works for you. We'll have tools and someone experienced on the trail during the event times so all you need is some work gloves and layers to stay comfortable for the days weather!
Oct 3 , 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Oct 6 , 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
This is a private dig day with the Snohomish Mountain Bike Team(Washington League) at Lord Hill.
Oct 8 , 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
We'll be working on a reroute at Lord Hill Regional Park on the Rogue Knight trail to address erosion issues on a short fall line section of trail. We'll be realigning the trail to a mellower grade with improved drainage to prevent further erosion and improve the longevity of the trail. No experience is needed and tools are provided! Just bring food, water, and enough layers to stay comfortable for the day. Park on the grass outside of the barn located at the parks north entrance, and we'll head out from there! If you'd like to meet on the trail at a later time, RSVP using SnoCo Park's volunteer portal link https://cerv.is/0282g5Uvbow and code 5Uvbow.
Oct 10 , 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
We'll be working on a reroute at Lord Hill Regional Park on the Rogue Knight trail to address erosion issues on a short fall line section of trail. We'll be realigning the trail to a mellower grade with improved drainage to prevent further erosion and improve the longevity of the trail. No experience is needed and tools are provided! Just bring food, water, and enough layers to stay comfortable for the day. Park on the grass outside of the barn located at the parks north entrance, and we'll head out from there! If you'd like to meet on the trail at a later time, RSVP using SnoCo Park's volunteer portal link https://cerv.is/0282gFoTHP8 and code FoTHP8.
Oct 12 , 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM
We're going to do some TLC on the main climb trail and focus on clearing drains and other maintenance as we gear up for winter. This is our monthly Saturday workparty for October which will be at Reiter Foothills. We'll meet at the 429th parking lot(no parking pass required) and start hiking in with tools slightly after the start time and be back at the parking lot before the end time. RSVP through social events or an email(contact at skyvalleymtb.org) is preferred to help get a headcount for tools. We'll have tools for everyone RSVP'd plus a few extra just in case, so only work gloves, food, water and yourself are needed!
Oct 15 , 2:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Oct 22 , 2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Oct 24 , 2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Oct 29 , 2:30 PM - 6:00 PM
<p>We'll be working on a reroute at Lord Hill Regional Park on the Rogue Knight trail to address erosion issues on a short fall line section of trail. We'll be realigning the trail to a mellower grade with improved drainage to prevent further erosion and improve the longevity of the trail. No experience is needed and tools are provided! Just bring food, water, and enough layers to stay comfortable for the day. <br><br>Park on the grass outside of the barn located at the parks north entrance, and we'll head out from there! If you'd like to meet on the trail at a later time, RSVP using SnoCo Park's volunteer portal link <a href="https://cerv.is/0282g5Uvbow">https://cerv.is/0282g5Uvbow</a> and code <a href="https://cerv.is/0282g5Uvbow">5Uvbow</a>.</p>
<p>We'll be working on a reroute at Lord Hill Regional Park on the Rogue Knight trail to address erosion issues on a short fall line section of trail. We'll be realigning the trail to a mellower grade with improved drainage to prevent further erosion and improve the longevity of the trail. No experience is needed and tools are provided! Just bring food, water, and enough layers to stay comfortable for the day. <br><br>Park on the grass outside of the barn located at the parks north entrance, and we'll head out from there! If you'd like to meet on the trail at a later time, RSVP using SnoCo Park's volunteer portal link <a href="https://cerv.is/0282gFoTHP8">https://cerv.is/0282gFoTHP8</a> and code <a href="https://cerv.is/0282gFoTHP8">FoTHP8</a>.</p>